Trading basics for New Traders

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  • Most new traders may hear about the Stock Market from a friend or commercial and then decide to set up a brokerage account. After this they will have to figure out how to trade. That can lead to YouTube and Google searches, but now that Social Media sites like Twitter are a big influence in the financial world you will probably find yourself there or some other forum such as Reddit looking for stocks to trade. 
  • While trading the same stocks as your favorite online Guru may seem like an easy road to success, that is just not the case. You may even win a couple trades following them just from the skill that they possess. However, if the goal is to turn this hobby for many into an actual hustle you must be willing to work towards being an independent trader.
  • This is where I come in to play as I will try to help you get your feet wet in the market by using my experience to explain what I think are the most important concepts to know when you first start trading.  
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Being a new trader in the market can cause a lot of frustration and stress. It is tough to grasp everything you need to know in a short period and even harder when you have no clue where to start. Although there is constant learning no matter how long you’ve traded, I do believe that there are a few topics that are very important to understand before you start to trade.

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Trading basics for New Traders

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